Five percent (5%) of all HGHC profits will be donated to the Membantu Project.
This project provides education, food, clean water and sanitation to over 8 (eight) orphanages throughout Bali.
I was first introduced to the Membantu Project while working corporately for a company who largely supported the initiative.
During my years working for this company, I was given the opportunity to escort teenagers on a mission trip to Bali (in 2008).
Together we worked and served in two of these orphanages.
We painted, cleaned bathrooms, built a pair of Aqua-ponics ponds to initiate a resource for a sustainable food supply. Laid bricks, rendered walls and played with the kids.
That fortnight and those kids, improved and profoundly changed my life.
And for all the "fortnights" to come, I want to GIVE, to improve and change theirs.